Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are the two major branches of Chinese Medicine. Chinese herbal medicine is within the scope of practice of acupuncture in most states in the United States. Other modalities of Chinese Medicine include Tui-Na (Chinese massage), Dao-Yin (Qi Gong &Tai Ji), and diet & lifestyle therapies.
"A thousand mile journey begins with a single step."
-Lao Tzu
Chinese Medicine is a complete medical system which treats full range of health disorders, internal or external, acute or chronic, traumatic or infectious. It is the oldest medicine in the world. It is professional and literate medicine, and is an extremely complicated and extensive medical system. It has been practiced continuously for thousands of years for health and preventive care. Currently, it serves about a quarter of the world’s population.
At the core of the basic philosophy of Chinese Medicine, Qi, or the vital energy, flows throughout the body along specific pathways called meridians or channels. This subtle form of energy, Qi, provides the power to support all body functions, protect against illness and diseases, and keep us alive. Physical and emotional challenges can disrupt the harmonious flow of Qi which results in illness and injury that shows up as various symptoms and syndromes. Health and wellness is promoted when the Qi is robust and balanced and moves harmoniously.
The basic treatment principle of Chinese Medicine is to look at the whole person and find the root cause of the health condition and treat it, support and enhance the righteous Qi and internal natural healing power, restore balance and harmony within the body, and promote living in harmony with nature. For example, “balance” could be balance between Yin and Yang, balance between Zang &Fu, balance between Qi, Blood, Jing, & body fluids, balance between five elements, balance between the channels, and so on. Once the root cause is addressed, the righteous Qi and internal healing power is enhanced, and balance and harmony are re-established, diseases can resolve, symptoms can disappear, and people will achieve optimal health and wellness. In the theory of Chinese Medicine, body, mind, and spirit are all connected to each other; disorder in any one of them can affect the others. Treatment and healing can happen on any aspect of them, such as physical, emotional, psychological, and soul levels. Chinese Medicine is “personalized” or “precision” medicine; every treatment is custom-tailored uniquely for the patient.
"I began to receive acupuncture treatments from Bei Wu because I had arthritis in my neck and shoulders, and I had severe neck and shoulder pain and could not sleep comfortably lying down. After a few treatments I found I could lie down with minimal discomfort. Bei also suggested to add Chinese herbal medicine to treat other health conditions I had. My overall health has improved greatly allowing me to do things that I feared I would never do again. Bei has made a huge difference in my quality of life!" -K. R.
Chinese herbal medicine is to prescribe formulas of Chinese herbs to treat given health conditions based on the diagnosis of patterns and disharmonies according to the theory of Chinese Medicine. Chinese herbs include plants, minerals, and occasionally animal materials. Traditionally, an herbal formula almost always consists of a group of herbs, instead of a single herb, to provide the best therapeutic and synergetic effects.
Although you may see familiar herbs such as licorice, ginger, cinnamon twig in Chinese herbs, Chinese herbal medicine is very different from the Western approach we are accustomed to, such as the concept of “active ingredients”. That is because the philosophy of Chinese Medicine is different; it is based on the concept of Qi or vital energy, and so are the properties of Chinese herbs. In Chinese herbal medicine, the property of each herb is described by its “thermal nature”, “taste”, the meridians & Zang Fu it enters, the direction of Qi movements it generates, the key actions it performs, and so on.
For the herbal formulas, they are categorized by their functions and actions, for example, “release exterior”, “move stagnant liver Qi”, “tonify Qi and blood”, “nourish kidney Yin”, “resolve dampness and phlegm”, and so on. Chinese herbal medicine has been continuously practiced for thousands of years and served billions of people. It is the most widely practiced herbal medicine in the world.
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Since the philosophy of Chinese Medicine is to find the root cause, free any Qi blockages, restore balances and harmony, and promote internal healing power within the body, it can treat very wide range of health conditions, and is also good for disease prevention and general wellness.
Through millions of clinical cases over thousands of years of Chinese Medicine literature, Chinese herbal medicine has been shown to be effective in treating various types of health conditions. Numerous modern research studies have been conducted and have shown the effectiveness of Chinese herbal medicine.
Chinese herbal medicine formulas can be used alone, or in combination with acupuncture treatments.
A: In Chinese Medicine, 望(to look), 聞(to listen & smell), 問(to ask), 切(to palpate), are the four major diagnostic tools or information collection processes. During your first acupuncture or Chinese herbal session, we would listen to whole you, your symptoms, your mind and emotions, your lifestyle; various questions will be asked to get to know you, your chief health complaints and concerns, your health and medical history, and your current health state. We will feel your pulse, look at your tongue, and conduct an energetic abdominal exam. The pulses on both of your wrists, totally 12 different positions, will give important information about the meridians, organs, five elements, and the states of Qi, blood, Jing, body fluids, and so on. There are 28 possible pulse qualities in Chinese Medicine. The tongue in Chinese Medicine is like a map of the body; its color, shape, size, coating, and cracks reflect states of disharmony. In an energetic abdominal exam, different points and areas of the abdomen will be palpated and pressed to evaluate any possible imbalances and disharmony. Using the combination of all the information collected, we will assess the underline conditions leading to your current state of health, make a Chinese Medicine diagnosis, and come up with a custom-made treatment plan uniquely for you.
A: The first herbal consultation session includes a comprehensive interview, physical and energetic exam and assessment, and the prescription of the first Chinese herbal formula. During this first session, we would listen to whole you, your symptoms, your mind and emotions, your lifestyle; various questions will be asked to get to know you, your chief health complaints and concerns, your health and medical history, and your current health state. We will feel your pulse, look at your tongue, and conduct an energetic abdominal exam. See above “Q&A” for details regarding diagnosis with pulse, tongue, and energetic abdominal exam. Using the combination of all the information collected, we will assess the underline conditions leading to your current state of health, make a Chinese medical diagnosis, and come up with custom-made treatment plans uniquely for you. The first Chinese herbal formula will be prescribed for you. Counseling about diet, mind, & lifestyle will be provided as well.
For each subsequent herbal consultation session, we will interview you to review how you have been doing since last visit, feel your pulse, look at your tongue, and conduct an energetic abdominal exam. We would re-evaluate the state and progress of your health condition to determine whether it’s best to continue the previous formula, or to modify the formula, or to change to a new formula.
Chinese herbal medicine formulas can be used alone, or in combination with acupuncture treatments.
A: Once a Chinese medical diagnosis has been made, a Chinese herbal formula will be prescribed uniquely for you. Chinese herbal formulas can be taken in the forms of decoction, pills or powder, tincture, or granules. In general, decoction is the major form. For decoction, a group of raw herbs will be prescribed, and the patient needs to cook the raw herbs into decoction at home. Details will be given about how to cook the herbs and how to take the decoction.
A: It’s important for you to let us know all the medications you are on while taking Chinese herbal medicine formulas. A Chinese Medicine doctor is trained to be aware of possible interactions between pharmaceutical medication and certain herbs to ensure safety. It is also very important that you take your medication and Chinese herbal formula at least two hours apart to avoid any possible adverse interactions.
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